Anei, Colombia

Active members: Coffee: 418 Cocoa: 82
Active from year: 2005
Total production capacity: 25,600 kg of dry cocoa

Product: Dry Cacao bean 
Certifications: Organic, Small Producers

Sales information

Product : Dry Cacao beanVariety/Quality:
Criollo, Colombia
Quantity: 35,000 kg of dry cocoa

Anei is an association of 82 cocoa producers from families belonging to four native communities (Arhuacos, Koguis, Kankuamos and Wiwas) and farmers from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Serranía del Perijá (in the north of Colombia). 

Progreso supports the rehabilitation of cocoa cultivation and trains the producers in the cocoa fermentation to get that special quality flavor. The support resulted in the rehabilitation of 20 ha of cocoa, implementation of irrigation systems and the hiring of an agronomist and technician to support the activities.Furthermore is Anei in the ´Plan Maestro´ meaning they have been implementing and using Progreso´s digital tools to improve their technical data in the field and commercialization through Beyco.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam

