
With our tailor-made approach aimed at the sustainable growth of producer organizations, we are different from other non-governmental organizations. Taking into account the wishes and needs of the local organizations at all times, together, we analyze their current situation and define what needs to be done for their further development. If needed, we also intervene in emergency situations and build a recovery plan together with the producer organization.

Business Development

Progreso supports sustainable and long-term business development across Latin America, Africa and Asia. By aiming at improving management and producer capacities, sustainable and professional market linkages, stable commercial relationships and responsible land use, producer organizations can achieve significant progress and become (even) more professional.

Organizational Assessment​

At Progreso we developed our own integrated organizational assessment model (MIDCA) which provides insights into the producer organizations’ stronger and weaker points.

The MIDCA can be applied

  1. As an assessment of the producer organization at the start of a project, and throughout the project on a yearly basis to keep track of the progress of the organization. 
  2. Upon request of a struggling producer organization, to identify their main challenges and, together, create an emergency plan.

Progreso supports producer organizations with tailor-made projects.

There are several conditions for starting a project with Progreso:

  • You’re a producer organization, cooperative, or association. We do not work with individual farmers.
  • You focus on coffee and/or cocoa as your main product.
  • Your producer organization is owned by smallholder producers and is willing to work according to fair and sustainable trade principles.
  • You have the intention to grow in terms of volume and revenue, to diversify your markets, improve the quality of your products, create added value for your members, and become an economically sustainable business.

Within the projects, Progreso works together with producer organizations on one or more of the following five components.

If you think your producer organization can comply with the above conditions and could benefit from support on the components mentioned, please contact us and provide us with the following information:

  • A description of your producer organization,
  • Identify what your main challenges are,
  • Highlight your specific needs for assistance.

Pro climate projects

Pro climate projects

Climate change, deforestation, land degradation and biodiversity loss are causing a decrease in the agricultural production of coffee and cacao. We think that the best way to secure the livelihoods and long-term yields of smallholder farmers is through transitioning to landscape restoration and climate-resilient agricultural production systems.

Therefore, in 2008, Progreso initiated the ProClimate program. With this program we aim to contribute to a future proof coffee and cocoa sector that delivers social, economic and environmental benefits to all stakeholders in the supply chain, through shared responsibility and partnerships between producer organizations, financiers and businesses.

Proclimate's four components ​

In each project, we focus on the development and the creation of resilient farming systems that deliver social, economic and environmental benefits in the long run. We often work with producer organizations whose members live in, or very close to, natural areas that are facing a threat of deforestation, degradation, and biodiversity loss due to unsustainable farming practices. As the starting point of each project, we assess the main causes of ecosystem degradation and crop failures as well as the main opportunities to mitigate these. We do this together with our local partners and coffee/cocoa producers/organizations.

Each project starts by working together with our local partners and coffee/cocoa producers/organizations to assess the main causes of ecosystem degradation and crop failures as well as key opportunities to mitigate these. The final plan of intervention depends on each individual context but is always focused at building a compelling business case for stakeholders. 

Examples are arranging a social loan, (upfront) payments for environmental footprint reduction, donor financing, or co-investments in sustainability measures. Where possible and desirable, carbon-finance or other types of ‘payment for ecosystem services’ are part of the financial structure of the projects. Certifications are included in the projects to promote transparency in the supply chain and to create added value.

ProClimate wants to be a source of learning and inspiration for producer organizations and sectors to choose a similar development path. We therefore work together with knowledge institutes and the public sector, train producer organizations to monitor, evaluate, learn and adapt their approaches and closely measure the impact of our activities on actors and on ecosystems.

We do so on the following levels:

  • Organizational impact: we use the MIDCA as a powerful tool to monitor organizational progress.
  • Impact on Farm household: we follow the impact on the smallholder farm households’ livelihood status on social, economic and environmental aspects by executing ´living income´ studies.
  • Project Impact: we assess the actual impact of the defined activities within the set time-frame and budget of the project.

Join Beyco by Progreso

the global coffee connection & trading platform

We encourage you to join our global coffee connection and trading platform, Beyco, to help you find the best buyer for your product. Please register on our platform and showcase the coffee you would like to sell on the worldwide coffee market.

Connecting Coffee  Cocoa

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam

Progreso foundation 2022 all rights reserved