Active members: 795
Active from year: 2002
Total production capacity: 7,500,000 kg of green beans
Product: Coffee
Certifications: Fairtrade usa , Rain Forest, UTZ, CP, 4C.
Product: Arabica Coffee
Variety/Quality:Castilla, Geisha Caturra, Bourbon, Geisha, F6
Quantity: 7,500,000 kg of green beans
Asprotimana is located in Timana in the department of Huila. This coopertive produces one of the best quality coffees, characterized by high acidity and a sweet and pronounced citrus profile.
Their producers are located in Timaná, Suaza, Elías, Tarquí and Pitalito (within the department of Huila), but through their work over the last 12 years the coop has benefited around 179,000 families in more than 7,800 villages in the country.
Progreso included Asoprotimana in its “Plan maestro” for the use of digital tools and finding more clients through Beyco. Furthermore they are a good ally for tackling the climate change issue in the region.