La red Ecolsierra, Colombia

Active members: Cocoa: 50
Active from year: 2007
Total production capacity: 30,000 kg of dry cocoa bean

Product:dry cocoa bean
Certifications: Organic, Fair Trade

Sales information

Product: Dry Cacao bean
Variety/Quality: Criollo, Colombia
Quantity: 30,000 kg of dry cocoa

The members of the Red Ecolsierra are small and medium producers, organized into 24 base groups. Most of them are people from the interior of the country (or descendants of these) who came to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta as harvesters and were colonizing the lands of the coastal massif, living from coffee and cocoa cultivation.

Progreso supports the cocoa rehabilitation program, Encourages the production of organic fertilizers and supports with two technicians, tools and supplies for a cocoa laboratory, among other related activities.

The results were reflected in the purchase and delivery of fertilizers and controllers to the producers, for example, 160 cans of 20 liters each and 770 packages of 50 kg of solid compost, delivery of seeds and cocoa clones and assistance the cocoa laboratory construction la Mojana territory.

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KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam

