KOPAN SIKAP Flores, Indonesia

Active members: 308
Active from year: 2012
Total production capacity: 50,000 kg of dry fermented cocoa beans

Product: Cocoa
Certifications: N/A

Sales information

Product: Cocoa beans
Variety/Quality: Fermented Cocoa Beans (100% of the Volume)
Quantity: 30.000 kg of dry fermented cocoa

Koperasi Produksi Agroniaga Asosiasi Petani Nangapenda (KOPAN SIKAP) is a cocoa farmer organization providing training and internal management for its members as well as stakeholder engagement or partnerships.

SIKAP aims to create better market access to market with the goal of a fair living income and access to nutritious and affordable food for all its members.

The activities of SIKAP include purchasing dry and wet cocoa beans from members, processing and selling fermented cocoa beans, cocoa nursery, and capacity building of its members.

SIKAP has received financial assistance and technical assistance from Progreso since 2022.




Contact Progreso for more information: kiki@progreso.nl

Connecting Coffee  Cocoa

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Mauritskade 64
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