Cooperative Rios de Agua Viva, Nicaragua

Latin America

Active members: 184
Active from year: 1997
Total production capacity: 245,000 kg of green beans

Product: Coffee
Certifications: Fairtrade, Organic, Natureland, SPP

Sales information

Product : Arabica Coffee
Variety/Quality: Catuai, Parainema, Marsellesa
Quantity: 179,216 kg of green beans

With the support of Progreso, the organization will be able to expand its client portfolio in the coffee market niches to be able to strengthen its commercial relations in the US and European markets.

UCA Tierra Nueva will improve the attention to its members through technician support in the field, accompanied by the elaboration of a productive diagnostic for 100 farmers, soil analysis which will lead the cooperative to have better fertilization plans, plantation renewals and rehabilitations.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



Cooperativa PROCOCER R.L, Nicaragua

Latin America

Active members: 313
Active from year: 1999
Total production capacity: 164,892 kg of greenbeans

Product: Coffee
Certifications: Organic, SPP, Café Mujer

Sales information

Product : Arabica Coffee
Variety/Quality: Caturra, Catuai, Lempira, Parainema
Quantity: 2164,892 kg of green beans

With the support of Progreso, PROCOCER has strengthened the Management, Administrative and Organizational area by issuing reliable Financial Statements, has maintained its marketing activities and has improved the productivity and quality of its coffee by implementing technical assistance in the farmers’ plots. The objective for 2022 is to open new market opportunities through its coffee quality improvement and Progreso’s buyers network.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



UCA Tierra Nueva, R.L, Nicaragua

Latin America

Active members: 184
Active from year: 1997
Total production capacity: 245,000 kg of green beans

Product: Coffee
Certifications: Fairtrade, Organic, Natureland, SPP

Sales information

Product: Arabica Coffee
Variety/Quality: Catuai, Parainema, Marsellesa
Quantity: 179,216 kg of green beans

With the support of Progreso, the organization will be able to expand its client portfolio in the coffee market niches, strengthening its commercial relations in the US and European markets. UCA Tierra Nueva will improve the attention to its members through technician support in the field, accompanied by the elaboration of a productive diagnostic for 100 farmers, soil analysis, which will lead the cooperative to have better fertilization plans, plantation renewals and rehabilitations.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



Rutas del Inca, Peru

Latin America

Active members: 275
Active from year: 2013
Total production capacity: 213 MT green beans

Product: Coffee
Certifications: FairTrade, Organic

Sales information

Product : Arabica Coffee

Rutas del Inca Agricultural Cooperative, was founded on November 14th, 2013, with 33 members located in the district of Querocoto, in the Cajamarca region, Peru.

In 2014, the cooperative achieved Organic certification and its first export of 60 qq to Sustainable Harvest. In 2015, the cooperative became Fairtrade certified.

A year later, in 2016, Rutas del Inca won the prize for best and youngest company of the year, an award given during Let’s Talk Coffee in Puerto Vallarta-Mexico. Currently, Rutas del Inca has 275 members, organized in 9 bases.

Rutas del Inca has started a project of development with Progreso since 2018, based on an organizational assessement to identify main points of improvement. Rutas del Inca has started with the implementation of a revolving fund to provide microloans to its members for the maintenance of coffee plantations (mainly inputs). In technical assistance, the organization has established an annual operational plan for the trainings in the field, for internal audits of the Organic and Fairtrade certification process and the harvesting plan.

In access to market, the organization with the support of Progreso participated in the SCAE fair – Europe and contacted new clients. The services to their members such as training of the members have increased, however with the establishment of the rotating fund, this will improve further.

Rutas del Inca does not have an up to date longterm plan, and have not set their next development steps within the organization. This activity is part of the project supported by Progreso.

Strategic planning that includes access to market and setting up alliances with other organizations such as the government and other coffee cooperatives, will be of importance for the further development of Rutas del Inca.

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Connecting Coffee  Cocoa

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



Cencoic, Colombia

Latin America

Active members: 3152
Active from year: 1980
Total production capacity: 800,000 kg of green beans

Product: Coffee
Certifications: Fairtrade, Organic, Café Practices

Sales information

Product : Arabica Coffee
Castilla, Colombia, Caturra, Typica,  Bourbon
Quantity: 800,000 kg of green beans

Cencoic is an indigenous cooperative located in the Cauca Valley in southern Colombia and is, with 3,122 members, the largest cooperative in Colombia that we work with. 

Over the last five years, with support from Progreso, the cooperative has increased the implementation of good agricultural practices at their members´ farms, implemented bio-factories to improve the fertilization of crops and centers to strengthen the post-harvest  infrastructure. These measures have led to an increase of the yields from 700 kg/ha to 1,250 kg/ha (green coffee) and improved the coffee quality from 84 to 86 points.

The organization is included in the “Plan Maestro”, meaning that they are using our digital tools to improve their technical data in the field and commercialization through Beyco.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



Chocolates, Colombia

Latin America

Active members: 911
Active from year: 2014
Total production capacity: 795,000 kg 


Product: Cocoa, Cocoa liquor, cocoa bars, cocoa nibs
Certifications: Fairtrade, Organic, Bird friendly

Sales information

Product: Cocoa, Cocoa liquor, cocoa bars, cocoa nibs
Variety: Colombia cocoa
Quantity: 795000 kg conventional cocoa

Chocolate Colombia started in 2014 with a collection center in Caucasia (Antioquia, eastern Colombia) as an initiative for cocoa farmers to have a greater commercialization of their cocoa. Nowadays they are a second level organization with 10 base organizations, selling cocoa beans with FairTrade certification, special cocoa with sustainable cocoa guidelines as well as conventional cocoa in the national and international market.

Furthermore they have a transforming factory located in Llanos de Cuivá, Angostura (Antioquia) which produces products derived from chocolate and provides chocolate processing services for the national market.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



Occicafé, Colombia

Latin America

Active members: 795
Active from year:  2005
Total production capacity: 2,500,000 kg of green beans


Product: Coffee
Certifications: Fairtrade conventional , Rain Forest, UTZ, CP.

Sales information

Product : Arabica Coffee
Variety/Quality: Castilla, Colombia, Caturra, Tabi,  Bourbon, Geisha
Quantity: 2,500,000 kg of green beans


Occicafe is an association of High Quality Coffee Producers from the Southwest of Huila and Eastern Caucano, with the goal to improve the living conditions of their associates and families based on a framework of solidarity, self-effort, joint responsibility, social equality and common benefit.

Progreso included Occicafes in “Plan maestro” for the use of digital tools and finding more clients through Beyco, it is a good ally for tackling the climate change in the region.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



Nuevo Futuro, Colombia

Latin America

Active members: 197
Active from year: 1996
Total production capacity: 409,595 kg of green beans

Product: Coffee
Certifications: Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, Organic, SPP

Sales information

Product : Arabica Coffee
Variety/Quality: Castilla, Caturra, Suppremo
Quantity: 257,600 kg of green beans

Nuevo Futuro is a cooperation of 197 small coffee producers who are located over five municipalities in the Valle del Cauca . Nuevo Futuro started working with Progreso at the end of 2015; today is included in the “Plan Maestro” using our digital tools, . With  the support of Progreso, the cooperation  conducted soil analyses and has built bio-factories as part of the organic fertilization program. The results of  these activities are reflected in the increase in plots’ yield from 1,079 kg/ha to 1,487 kg/ha (green coffee) and quality between 83 – 84 points.

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam



La red Ecolsierra, Colombia

Latin America

Active members: Cocoa: 50
Active from year: 2007
Total production capacity: 30,000 kg of dry cocoa bean

Product:dry cocoa bean
Certifications: Organic, Fair Trade

Sales information

Product: Dry Cacao bean
Variety/Quality: Criollo, Colombia
Quantity: 30,000 kg of dry cocoa

The members of the Red Ecolsierra are small and medium producers, organized into 24 base groups. Most of them are people from the interior of the country (or descendants of these) who came to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta as harvesters and were colonizing the lands of the coastal massif, living from coffee and cocoa cultivation.

Progreso supports the cocoa rehabilitation program, Encourages the production of organic fertilizers and supports with two technicians, tools and supplies for a cocoa laboratory, among other related activities.

The results were reflected in the purchase and delivery of fertilizers and controllers to the producers, for example, 160 cans of 20 liters each and 770 packages of 50 kg of solid compost, delivery of seeds and cocoa clones and assistance the cocoa laboratory construction la Mojana territory.

Contact Progreso for more information:

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Progreso Foundation
KIT Room BB-9
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam

