Major updates to the Beyco Farmer App

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We are excited to announce a major update to the Beyco Farmer App, packed with new features designed to revolutionize the cocoa trade. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect with this week’s release.

Cocoa sellers can now access loans directly through our platform, providing crucial financial support to help them grow and manage their operations more effectively. Our loan module has been updated to cater to coffee and cocoa sellers, ensuring that all our users can benefit from financial assistance tailored to their needs.

Traders and buyers can now request cocoa samples through the platform, simplifying the process of evaluating and purchasing cocoa products, fostering better decision-making and smoother transactions.

Cocoa deliveries can now be grouped within the BFA Dashboard, offering a more organized and streamlined approach to managing multiple deliveries, and enhancing overall efficiency. Additionally, you can publish cocoa deliveries as offers directly from the BFA Dashboard, facilitating quicker and more effective trading.

Sellers can now directly publish dried beans offers from the BFA, increasing visibility and making it easier for potential buyers to access these products. Traders also benefit by being able to sell and combine the dried beans they have in stock, providing more flexibility and better inventory management.

Both sellers and traders can now create liquor offers. Sellers can start from scratch or convert their dried beans into liquor, while traders can manage their liquor stocks, starting from zero, buying from sellers, or converting their dried beans. This conversion process maintains product traceability, ensuring transparency and quality control throughout the supply chain.

We’ve made significant improvements in how prices, differentials, and quantities are displayed during negotiations and in contracts, ensuring clearer and more accurate information for all parties involved. Our updated website now features a comprehensive ‘About Beyco’ page, providing detailed insights into our mission, values, and the services we offer.

We’ve also enhanced the user interface for cocoa offers. This includes a page views counter, allowing users to check how many times their offer page has been visited, and an accordion feature for easily viewing offers with multiple products. Based on user research, we’ve re-ordered the information to align with user preferences and needs.

Finally, we’ve improved our error messages to provide more detailed feedback. Users will now receive specific messages when their password is incorrect and clear indications when uploads fail due to file size issues.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements, and as always, we welcome your feedback to help us make Beyco even better!

The one who controls the access has the key

In today´s digital world, for smallholder farmer groups to trade smoothly they must have real-time and direct access to their supply chain data. It is therefore that Progreso offers them capacity-building so that they do not need to go through any third party to have access to their data. However, since the amount of small-holder farmer groups that need to be supported in high-quality data management is too large for Progreso, as a sole small-scale NGO, to handle, Progreso has initiated a partnership with Solidaridad East and Central Africa (Solidaridad ECA).

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Quality Training and Marketing Empowerment with the Bushika Cooperative in Uganda

Last week, on Thursday 18th, and Friday 19th of January, 2024, Beyco Implementation Officer in Uganda, Brian, and Progreso´s Quality Consultant, Yvette, visited the Bushika Integrated Area Cooperative Enterprise Limited. The purpose of our visit was to enhance the quality practices within the organization and empower its marketing team with the effective use of the Beyco trading platform.

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Meet Imke Straaten: Our Newest Addition to the Progreso Team

We are thrilled to introduce you to the latest addition to our ever-growing team, Imke Straaten. Imke is taking on the role of Program Manager for Africa, and her base of operations will be in Uganda. With a rich background in International Development and a wealth of experience working and living in Eastern Africa, Imke is set to make a significant impact on managing our projects across the African continent.

Imke’s journey toward a career in International Development began in India when she was only seventeen years old: By participating in a student exchange Program called “Global Exploration” she was first exposed to the disparities of our world. During this transformative experience, she witnessed the effects of the caste system: The glaring inequality between outcasted leprosy patients and the exclusive international school students stirred a passion within Imke to work towards a more just world.

Determined to make a difference, Imke pursued her education in International Development at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. For her master’s degree, she went off to Kenya, where she conducted research on the meaning of ‘sustainability’ in the informal economy of Kibera Slum in Nairobi. Her focus was on finding whether microcredits and Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) could stimulate simultaneously ecological and economic development, a critical issue in many developing nations.

In 2015, Imke started her professional career as an intern at the Dutch-based organization Wilde Ganzen. This experience eventually led her to the role of Project Advisor, where she managed over 100 partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and various community-based development initiatives, including self-help groups and cooperatives. Her work centered on the co-funding of small-scale development projects and the organizational development of these partner organizations to sustainably address poverty, considering strategic sessions on community participation, legal compliance and local fundraising strategies to become less dependent on foreign aid. On behalf of Wilde Ganzen, Imke participated in the Young Expert Program, which enabled her to work and live in Uganda for one year. Together with the partner organization she then gave substance to the Agricultural and Food Security policy of Wilde Ganzen.

Her dedication and expertise caught our attention at Progreso, making her the perfect fit for our team.